Adding to the objectives fulfilled in the last field seasons of 2014-2017, with the continual generous funding offered by QSAP, and the support received from some local bodies, the 2017-2018 field season at Kurru archaeological site was able to fulfill its seasonal objectives and attain fruitful results. Among these are:
- The process of the re-excavation of the burial graves : before, during and after has come to end.
- The survey conducted revealed 3 sandstone quarries located in the vicinity of the site from which the stone blocks were cut for building the site monuments.
- Removal of over 10 large spoil heaps resulted from the excavation of 1918-1919 after partial sifting.
- Recovery of 1000 potsherds and small finds revealed. Part of this material is subjected to analysis.
- Started constructive pass way leading to the main features of the site.
- Constructed terraces along the rain water channels intersecting the site threatening two of the royal pyramids.
- A mud wall (1.5m high and over 3km long) is under construction. It marks the boundaries of the site while another 2 km line of cement pillars mark its buffer zone.
- A gate was constructed at the main entrance of the site adjoined by two rooms for the visitors and security. Other facilities will be added soon.
- A solar system was connected to the burial chambers of the site.
- Consideration was given to the water to slope towards the ‘wadis’ (valleys).
- This season the work is still in progress to reveal the pyramid ku 2 bases that never discovered before.